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1991.gada barikāžu dalībnieku biedrība/

Ikarus 263.00 #BU-6612

20 january 2012 - Riga, Doma square. This vehicle is used as barricade museumon wheels. The Barricades were events that took place between 13 and 27 January 1991 in Latvia. Latvia, which had declared independence from the Soviet Union a year earlier, anticipated that Soviet Union might attempt to violently regain control over the country. On 20 January, about 100,000 people gathered in Moscow to show their support for the Baltic states, calling on Soviet officials to resign in connection with the events in Vilnius. That evening turned out to be the deadliest at the Barricades after the OMON and other unidentified combat groups attacked the Latvian Interior Ministry. Two policemen, a schoolboy, and a cameraman were killed. Another cameraman died later of his injuries. Four Bauska policemen were injured, as were five participants of the barricades, a Hungarian journalist, and a Russian journalist. It was noted that the attackers also suffered casualties. After the battle, the OMON moved into the Latvian communist party building.
Author: KPaiken

Comments: 7

20 january 2012 - Rīga, Doma laukums
Author: KPaiken

21 january 2012 - Rīga.
Author: KPaiken

21 january 2012 - Rīga, Doma laukums.
Author: KPaiken

21 january 2012 - Rīga, Doma laukums
Author: KPaiken

20 january 2015 - Rīga. Doma laukums
Author: KPaiken



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