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National Tramway Museum/

AEC Regent / Weymann #CWJ 410

30 august 1989 - Crich, Derbyshire, UK – National Tramway Museum. AEC was a major bus and truck builder in UK until the 1970s – it built many of the London Routemasters. This tramway tower wagon was a former Sheffield Corporation bus.
Author: dvigar
26 august 1997 - A vehicle that has eluded TWB until now is this ex-Sheffield Corporation AEC Regent of 1937 which was converted into a tower wagon at some point in the 1950s or 1960s. Conversion of old buses to various types of service vehicle was frequently undertaken by bus and tram operators - this one was a highbridge bus with Weymann body until converted. Now it performs useful duties maintaining the overhead wires at the National Tramway Museum in Derbyshire.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 1



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