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Arriva the Shires/

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 #5439

2 january 2014 - Oxford Road, Thame. An identical batch of these vehicles have served route 280 from new, but in 2013 underwent a refurbishment program in which they gained Electric plug sockets, leather seats and free WiFi, along with a new livery and premium "Sapphire" brand.
Author: shedinagarden

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 #5440

2 january 2014 - London Road, Wheatley. A batch of these vehicles has served route 280 from new, but in 2013 they all underwent a refurbishment program in which they gained Electric plug sockets, leather seats and free WiFi, along with a new livery and premium "Sapphire" brand.
Author: shedinagarden

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 #5455

2 january 2014 - Station Way, Aylesbury. 14 identical vehicles were purchased in 2008 for the 280 service between Aylesbury and Oxford. The majority of the batch were rebranded with the premium "Sapphire" livery in 2013. The remainder were also treated to the same refurbishment, but repainted in standard Arriva livery so they are not just limited to use on the 280 and can be used elsewhere in the network, such as this example.
Author: shedinagarden

Comments: 2

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 #5457

16 august 2015 - Hemel Hempstead, Waterhouse Street. Pięknie pomalowane Enviro. Taki schemat Arriva powinna stosować we wszystkich swoich pojazdach, bez względu na region.
Foto : Jason Cross

Author: Szeryf
Comments: 3

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 #5458

28 january 2012 - Londyn (London Borough of Harrow), Whitton Avenue East. W dniach 28-29.01 z związku z pracami remontowymi na odcinku Acton Town - Uxbridge, na Piccadilly Line uruchomiona została komunikacja zastępcza. Na zdjęciu jeden z wypasionych piętrusów należących do Arriva Shire & Essex, wyposażonych m.in. w skórzane fotele i darmowe Wi-Fi.
Author: pawelzmiennik

1 september 2014 - Watford, Clarendon Rd, 320.
Author: rm



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