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Ford C700 #5


NameFord C700
Build Number
19661979Flughafen Zürich
1980Verkehrshaus Luzern
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
196619795 / Flughafen Zürich
19805 / Verkehrshaus Luzern


13 august 2009 - Lucerne, Verkehrshaus der Schweiz. Ford C700 apron passenger bus with Hänni semi-trailer. Instead of having to walk, from 1966, Zürich Airport passengers were able to ride to the waiting aircraft in a specially developed apron bus. The unusual design in the form of semitrailer is based on the need for the lowest possible overall height. The tractor unit, a petrol-driven American Ford C700 has a six-speed automatic transmission and is conspicuous for the low driver’s cab. The semi-trailer, a monocoque construction by the Zürich coachbuilder Hänni, could carry up to 86 passengers. The absence of drive components in the trailer also enabled it to be kept remarkably low and allowed it to be manoeuvred safely between the aircraft. The vehicle was replaced in 1979 by low floor buses and the newly built finger docks.
Author: JacekM
Comments: 6



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