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Search Results
NameVINBuild NumberBuiltYear Of GetYear Of RemoveScrappedRegistration PlateNo.OperatorPrevious OwnerIndex
Volvo 8900LEYV3T7U529E116664420142018NoNoUFB 151109Falcks Omnibus Gällivare712148
Volvo 8900LE 13,1mYV3T7U522P121029220222022NoNoADC 54LFalcks Omnibus Gällivare865707
Volvo 8900LE 13,1mYV3T7U528P121029520222022NoNoNGF 02RFalcks Omnibus Gällivare865708
Volvo 8900LE 13,1mYV3T7U52XP121029620222022NoNoZWJ 440Falcks Omnibus Gällivare865712
Volvo 8900LE 13,1mYV3T7U526P121029420222022NoNoTGF 88SFalcks Omnibus Gällivare865713
Volvo 8900LE 13,1mYV3T7U521P121029720222022NoNoRYJ 66EFalcks Omnibus Gällivare865714
Volvo 8900LE 13,1mYV3T7U524P121029320222022NoNoRAA 25AFalcks Omnibus Gällivare865715
Volvo 8900LE 13,1mYV3T7U524P121039120222022NoNoOWJ 13HFalcks Omnibus Gällivare865716
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