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DAB 7-1200 B #3

29 august 2015 - Alsted, Alstedvej 88, 29 August 2015. DAB delivered its standard models in a variety of sub models at the individual wishes of the customers. This DAB 7-1200 B was initially delivered in 1988 to Korsør Bybusser for the operation on the two urban routes in Korsør. It was equipped with a DAF LT160 engine and a Wilson GB599 gearbox. It is presently preserved in the livery of its subsequent owners, Råsted Turistbusser and Fårup Rute- & Turistbusser.

DAB 7-1200B #3

july 1990 - Korsør Bybusser no. 3 at the railway station in Korsør in July 1990.

Author: HKNedytor RSS

DAB 7-1200B #ZKL A642

18 july 2006 - Kołobrzeg zajezdnia Connex PKS. Tytułowy DAB wystawiony jest na sprzedaż. Cena wywoławcza 30 000 zł netto. Obok stoi Jelcz PR110D Lux #ZKL V899.



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