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Search Photos

Ganz (AHMV Rt.) #6

18 june 1998 - Arad, CTP-Betriebshof

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Arad (Arad) | Owner: CTP Arad

Ganz (AHMV Rt.) #14

18 june 1998 - Arad, ???

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Arad (Arad) | Owner: CFR Arad

Ganz (AHMV Rt.) #14

18 june 2017 - 10:49 Sâmbăteni, AR (RO)

Author: rocardesign RSS
Place: Ghioroc (Arad) | Owner: Muzeul tramvaiului Ghioroc | Transport Authority: CTP Arad

Ganz (AHMV Rt.) #14

18 june 2017 - 10:57 Sâmbăteni, AR (RO)

Author: rocardesign RSS
Place: Ghioroc (Arad) | Owner: Muzeul tramvaiului Ghioroc | Transport Authority: CTP Arad

Ganz (AHMV Rt.) #14

18 june 2017 - 11:00 Ghioroc, AR (RO)

Author: rocardesign RSS
Place: Ghioroc (Arad) | Owner: Muzeul tramvaiului Ghioroc | Transport Authority: CTP Arad

Ganz (AHMV Rt.) #14

18 june 2017 - 11:02 Ghioroc, AR (RO)

Author: rocardesign RSS
Place: Ghioroc (Arad) | Owner: Muzeul tramvaiului Ghioroc | Transport Authority: CTP Arad

Ganz (AHMV Rt.) #14

18 june 2017 - 11:15 Ghioroc, AR (RO) - It`s time to take a selfie !

Author: rocardesign RSS
Place: Ghioroc (Arad) | Owner: Muzeul tramvaiului Ghioroc | Transport Authority: CTP Arad

Comments: 1

Ganz Type A tram #14

6 october 2008 - Arad – Ghiroc depou/zajezdnia. A 1st Class compartment with padded seats. Would you prefer to ride this to your work or school, or a Konstal 105N?

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Ghioroc (Arad) | Owner: CTP Arad

Ganz Type A tram #14

6 october 2008 - Arad – Ghiroc depou/zajezdnia. Inside a Ganz car, showing the wooden seating and separate compartments for each class of travel. This style is very similar to some of the huge interurban cars that ran in America until the 1940s, but which are now found only in museums.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Ghioroc (Arad) | Owner: CTP Arad

Ganz Type A tram #6

6 october 2008 - Arad – Ghiroc depou/zajezdnia. Talking with Adam G reminded me that I have some photos of the huge interurban bogie trams (almost like trains) of the Sageata Verde line that once ran from Arad to Ghiroc and other villages to the east. Here is one of those cars at the museum depot in Ghiroc. Amazingly, they worked from 1912 until 1991 (!). To see these trams in their prime, go to http://tramclub.org/viewtopic.php?t=5347 for some wonderful 1970s photos.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Ghioroc (Arad) | Owner: CTP Arad

Comments: 3



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