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Search Photos

Duewag GT12 #1022

29 june 1987 - Ellerstadt, Hauptstraße

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Bad Dürrheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: RHB Bad Dürrheim | Transport Authority: VRN

Duewag GT12 #1022

29 june 1987 - Ellerstadt, Hauptstraße

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Bad Dürrheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: RHB Bad Dürrheim | Transport Authority: VRN

Duewag GT12 #1021

29 june 1987 - Ellerstadt, Hauptstraße

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Bad Dürrheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: RHB Bad Dürrheim | Transport Authority: VRN

Duewag GT12 #1020

29 june 1987 - Ellerstadt-West

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Bad Dürrheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: RHB Bad Dürrheim | Transport Authority: VRN

Duewag GT12 #1019

29 june 1987 - Bad Dürkheim, Bahnhof

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Bad Dürrheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: RHB Bad Dürrheim | Transport Authority: VRN

Duewag GT12 #1021

may 1987 - Mannheim, Hauptbahnhof

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Bad Dürrheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: RHB Bad Dürrheim | Transport Authority: VRN

Comments: 2

Duewag GT12 #1021

may 1987 - Mannheim, Hauptbahnhof

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Bad Dürrheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: RHB Bad Dürrheim | Transport Authority: VRN

Duewag GT12 #1022

may 1991 - Mannheim, Hauptbahnhof

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Mannheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: RNV Mannheim | Transport Authority: VRN

Duewag GT12 #1022

7 september 2008 - Bad Durkheim (DE) – depot/zajezdnia RHB. Until the new generation of low-floor trams was introduced, these GT12 cars were the longest trams to be found anywhere. I think this one is still used occasionally, although is mostly a driving school car. GT6 car #1017 alongside is just a baby - half a GT12.



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