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Ikarus 415.93 #KLM-792

23 august 2010 - Dunaujvaros, Építők útja.

Ikarus 415.93 #KLM-792

24 august 2016 - Tatabánya, Autóbusz állomás

Author: A_90 RSS
Place: Tatabánya (Komárom-Esztergom) | Owner: KNYKK Tatabánya | Transport Authority: KNYKK | Route: 9

Ikarus 415.93 #KLM-792

5 november 2010 - Dunaújváros, Szórád Márton út

Ikarus 415.93 #KLM-792

17 july 2009 - Dunaújváros Vasmű úton a 26-os vonalon

Ikarus 415.93 #KLM-792

19 december 2009 - KLM-792 in Dunaújváros, in the middle of a heavy snow storm, on the line of number 26 bus.

Ikarus 415.93 #KLM-792

12 august 2009 - The ex. trolleybus goes from the railway station to the downtown of Dunaújváros.

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