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BDe4/8 light rail car #21

27 march 2011 - Soprabolzano (IT). An ex-Trogenerbahn (Switzerland) twin car set that is being overhauled for use on the line. Although there is no intention of scrapping the 1906/7 original cars, these more modern trams allow them to be rested when traffic is light.

Esslingen bogie tram #12

27 march 2011 - Soprabolzano (IT). Although this area is several km inside Italy, nearly all the inhabitants are German speaking – it was once a part of Austria. This tram is one of a pair bought in 1992 from the END interurban tramway near Stuttgart which had recently closed. Nowadays it is in almost daily use on the Rittnerbahn. Passenger traffic is modest, but the line has managed to keep going, as this is a popular holiday area.

Comments: 2

AEG/Graz 4-wheeled tram #12

26 march 2011 - Soprabolzano (IT) – Maria Assunta/Himmelfahrt. A TWB debut. The Ferrovia del Renon/Rittnerbahn is a delightful, metre-gauge light railway that links several villages on a mountain plateau above Bolzano. This began life as a street tramway in central Bolzano, then climbing on a rack with the aid of ‘pusher’ locomotives, over 1000 metres to Soprabolzano, where a conventional 6.5km long track began. The lower section and rack closed in 1966, but the upper section survives, now linked to Bolzano by a cable gondola. This is one of the original 1907 cars, still in regular use.

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