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Van-Hool A300 #1316

24 september 2005 - Van Hool 1316 at the Velperplein in Arnhem.

Volvo B10MA / Berkhof Duvedec #7709

29 september 2005 - Volvo-Berkhof 7709 in Arnhem.

Comments: 5

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #0173

22 september 2005 - Arnhem, Velperplein

Berkhof Premier AT18 / Alstom #0223

17 september 2005 - Arnhem, Huissensestraat

DAF SB220 LT575/Berkhof Europa 2000NL #1067

17 september 2005 - Connexxion 1067 in Arnhem.

Comments: 1

Van Hool AG300T / Kiepe #0205

20 august 2004 - The 0205 is a bus of the series 0202-0209.

Berkhof Premier AT18 / Alstom #0212

25 april 2005 - Problems with the 0212. Connexxion has a total of 22 berkhof 18mtr. trolleybuses.

Van Hool AG300TD / Kiepe #0201

6 august 2004 - This bus was a duo-bus, with an electric and a diesel engine (speed up to 80 km/h). Now it's just a trolleybus with a diesel-help-engine that can reach 40 km/h.

Comments: 8

Den Oudsten B79TKM560/Kiepe #149

8 february 1999 - This trolleybus was sold to Russia, Rostov in 2003.

Comments: 3

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #0176

7 august 2005 - The 0176 is a Volvo trolleybus. Connexxion has 11 trolleybuses of this type (0172-0182).

Comments: 6

BUT 9721T / Verheul #101

30 april 2005 - This is the first trolleybus from Arnhem. Build in 1949 and still there as a museumbus.

Comments: 5

Den Oudsten B79TKM560/Kiepe #0159

22 september 2000 - This is one of the buses that now can be seen in Rostov, Russia.



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